1. 개요
- 사이트: https://www.philnat.unibe.ch/studies/study_programs/master_s_in_computer_science/index_eng.html
- 기간: 3학기 (90 ECTS)
- 언어: 영어
- 모집: 가을학기, 봄학기
- 요건: Bachelor's degree with Computer Science as an additional subject, or an equivalent degree from a recognized university provided that the master's degree can be successfully completed with an additional maximum 60 ECTS credits. The ECTS credits will be listed separately in the diploma supplement as extracurricular attainments.
- 외국어 성적 요건이 없음 NO language test score is required. If you want to study with us, you are responsible for ensuring that you master the language of instruction.
- 특이사항: The Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science is a brand new study program offered by the universities of Bern, Neuchâtel, and Fribourg.
- 영, 불, 독 무료 언어수업: Free language courses are provided for students who want to improve their communication skills in English, French, or German.
- Specialization: If a student wishes to focus their studies on a particular area of computer science, they can choose to specialize in one of these six tracks:
- Distributed Systems (T1)
- Advanced Software Engineering (T2)
- Advanced Information Processing (T3)
- Logic (T4)
- Information Systems and Decision Support (T5)
- Data Science (T6)
2. 신청 절차
(1) 온라인 신청
https://www.studis.unibe.ch/ 에서 온라인 지원서 작성한다.
중간에 저장할 수 있다. Registration number와 비밀번호를 잘 메모해 둔다.
제출하면 확인 이메일이 온다.
(2) 체크리스트 확인
하루 뒤에 추가 이메일이 왔다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.
- 체크리스트를 확인하여 필요한 서류를 프린트된 종이(in hard copies)로 우편발송할 것
- 지원비 CHF 105를 지불할 것
- 위 두 가지가 모두 완료되어야 어드미션 평가가 진행됨
- 서류제출 2-3주 후에 다음 절차를 안내할 예정
체크리스트의 주요 내용을 살펴보면 다음과 같다
- 동의서 Declaration of Consent; serves as cover sheet
- 체크리스트 This checklist
- 이력서(CV) Curriculum vitae in tabular form with uninterrupted chronology of your education and academic studies up to the present incl. up-to-date passport photo (45 mm high by 35 mm wide)
- 지원서 Application/motivation letter (incl. family name, given name, full address, e-mail address, date and signature and – if you have one – mobile phone number) for placement into a master’s degree course
- a) 학위증 Originally certified photocopies of your degree (e.g. diploma, diploma supplement, bachelor's or master's degree). The correspondence of the photocopy to the original must be officially certified.
b) If this degree is not written in German, English, French or Italian, a translation and the originally certified photocopy of the degree is required. The translation must be inseparably connected with the originally certified photocopy of the original document. - 성적증명서 a) Originals (stamped and signed) or originally certified photocopies of all official proofs of your achievements (transcripts) with grades.
b) If these transcripts are not written in German, English, French or Italian, a translation and the originally certified photocopy of the transcripts is required. The translation must be inseparably connected with the originally certified photocopy of the original document. - 성적체계 Grading system of the degree issuing university, if the grading system is different from ours. Our scale goes from 1 to 6, with 6 being excellent and grades below 4 being unsatisfactory.
- 강의설명서 Description of the content/learning objectives of the different courses/lectures (annotated course catalog or module handbook): You can write or translate the descriptions of the courses yourself, if no version is available in English, German, French or Italian. Please keep these descriptions short (three to four sentences per subject). This translation does not have to be certified.
Synopsis of your bachelor thesis in English or German.- 여권사본 Photocopy of your valid passport or official identity card
If available: photocopy of your residence permit- 송금증명서 If you live outside of Switzerland: Proof of payment of: - Application fee: CHF 105
참고로 해외는 학위증명서라는 개념이 없다더라. 그래서 설마 한 장 있는 학위증을 보내야 하나 고민하다가, 우선 학위증 카피본과 함께 대학에서 씰처리까지 받은 학위증명서를 동봉했다. 어차피 나중에 합격하면 원본 보내야는 줄로 알고 있다.
(3) 송금
놀랍게도 105프랑을 보내려면 140프랑을 지불해야 한다. 5만 원의 수수료.. ^^
그래서 다른 방법을 알아보다가 여차저차 해서 보내게 되었다.
(4) 서류 송부
DHL 판교센터를 이용하기로 했다.
원래는 DHL이 무지막지하게 비싸지만, 안전하고 빠르기도 하며, 유학생의 경우 할인 이벤트 대상이라서 우체국보다 싸거나 얼마 차이가 나지 않는다고 한다.
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